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2024 Parade

The 2024 Chicago Pride Parade marched under the theme of “Pride is Power,” highlighting the parade’s role in creating visibility and change for LGBTQ+ people since its first march in 1970, which was held to commemorate the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

Three prominent couples served as Grand Marshals. Comedian Fortune Feimster and her wife, Jax Smith, served as celebrity Grand Marshals. The two met at Chicago Pride in 2015, just days after the Supreme Court’s historic ruling for nationwide marriage equality.

Feimster and Smith were joined by Community Grand Marshals Art Johnston and José Pepe Peña, longtime LGBTQ+ activists and owners of Sidetrack, and high-profile transgender couple and community organizers Myles and Precious Brady-Davis.

Photos by Steven Koch for PRIDEChicago. Photos may not be reproduced or used for any purpose without written permission.



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